Good Morning CASA!
Good morning CASA lovers, volunteers, and new interest. My name is Jenny and I am one of the two new interns this fall. Hailey, my partner in crime, and new friend on the internship railroad, is wonderful and you will meet her soon, as we will be collaborating on CASA’s blog.
CASA is quickly becoming my new home full of teachers and caring individuals who love their work. The community of hard working individuals is not only office based. The CASA volunteers are a group of the kindest people I have come to meet. Thankful doesn't begin to describe my gratitude to be working with CASA. I can’t wait for our next event (UV Splash) to meet more of these sweet people.

Not that the new interns aren’t turning some heads but we have nothing on CASA’s next event!
This race is going to be amazing. Bayer CropScience LP, and Fox 34 News Lubbock, have all worked tirelessly and given generously to make this 5k worth the run! You get an awesome T-shirt to run in when you sign up. There will be a DJ and a dance competition of course. A, whose brightest competition to see who painted and dressed up the brightest! Lastly, a super fun photo booth so we can all share the memories with CASA. We will be dancing and glowing the night away because this race is not one you have to wake up early and be ready to run at 5am… CASA knows how to party and is throwing a night time event! Registration starts at 6pm.
Now back to the interns for a quick finish. You can find me on the CASA Twitter, CASA Pinterest, and the CASA blog bi monthly. I post to the CASA Instagram with hashtags like #goodmorningcasa #CASAoftheSouthPlains and as of late, #UVsplashforCASA
I can’t wait to meet all the new volunteers and community members running for CASA at the UV Splash Dash! See you there!
Signing Out,
New CASA Intern